Coyote king

"Blair! Blair!?" Wolfe said shaking her, he couldn't get her up, he knew he had to leave here, that huge fire she made is bound to draw attention, he had no choice but to pick her up in his arms, not that it was a problem, being in his werewolf form she weighed nothing to him.

The other problem that remained was the carcasses of these devil dogs, he knew somehow they cannot be found by humans, it will blow the secret wide open, something moved over behind the smolders, Wolfe saw the eyes reflect in the moonlight and squinted, coyotes?

Behind him he heard a 'harf' noise and he turned on it, there stood a large coyote, much larger than Wolfe remembered them to be, it approached him slowly, then surprisingly it stood up on his hind legs.

"Never thought I'd see the day, that I would thank a wolf" It spoke.

"Who are you?" Wolfe asked.

"Cobalt is my name, the humans know me better as the Coyote King"

"Coyote king? So you exist as swell?"