I need help again

Blair found the road she traveled last time down to Kentucky, from here on it was easy to find crazy Frankie's shop again. Luckily she paid attention that time, otherwise she'd be lost.

Not long up the road out of town lied the house that belonged to Tom, Blair knew she was about to take a chance, but it was the only plan she could think of right now, she knocked on the front door and stood back.

The woman Tom was with that day opened and she folded her arms "You again?"

"Sorry for the intrusion Miss, if it's not too much of a bother, I'd like to speak to Tom again?"

"Thomas!" She yelled into the house then glared at her "He's been like a small boy since you left! Especially after that news came in the paper" She hissed and left the door open.

Tom came out and saw Blair "Hey! You're back!?"

"Yeah, how are you sir?"

"I'm okay, and I see you are too?"

She frowned "Well, yes?"