Never my own goal

"Skohl?" Alice asked frowning.

"Just say Skoll" Fenrir said laughing.

"Very well, you are Vikings right?" Alice asked and holstered her pistol.

"Yes..." Fenrir stood towards her "And, I'm going to be straight blunt, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! Your height is astounding! You must be a Valkyrie!? By what name do you go?"

Alice felt her face warm up "Alice, Del Carchetore"

Fenrir came up to her and took her hand "I'm sorry, I've seen the English do this, and I consider it a show of respect" He said and kissed the top of her hand "I am honored to meet such a beauty, Alice Del Carchetore"

She yanked her hand from him "And I'm not English! I'm Spanish, you can keep the hand kissing for the queen of England!"

Skoll and Hati burst out with laughter "I've never seen a woman make the great Fenrir fall over his own toes like that!" Hati said.

"Yes! You have turned the man soft lass! Well done!" Skoll said.