Free of that nightmare

Blair opened her eyes, she felt her energy has finally returned to her and sat up. The ship noises came to her, the dunk and hush of the water hitting the haul, seagulls outside, even the feeling of the ship rocking lightly.

Blair thought she would never escape that nightmare, she couldn't even really remember what happened, all she remembers was that Pesta woman's face at the moment.

She swooped her legs over the side of the bed and got up, a wobble told her she might have been in bed for some time. Carefully she walked out the door, not even realizing it was gone.

Outside she saw the sun shining brightly, it felt good to feel the rays on her skin again, first thing that came to mind was looking back to the steer, there was no one there as well.

"Oh shit!" She heard someone yell and looked up, the black haired man came falling from the crows nest and managed to land on his feet, Blair saw they all were up there, even Alice.