True fear

When night fell Skoll stepped in front of the two women "Right ladies, I had an idea"

"Okay?" Blair asked.

"Say, Blair? Would you allow me to... Ride you?"

"Ride me!?"

"Yes? Like a horse in your wolf form?"

Blair nodded "Sure, Wolfe rode on my back before"

"Okay then" He walked in behind a bush and came out as a wolf holding his clothes in his mouth, after Blair placed it in the bag he turned broad to them.

"I'll take first shift, you two hop on my back and I'll run as long as I have stamina, then when I get tired you can decide who runs next?"

Blair smiled "That's is a good idea" She said hopping onto his back when he lied down. Cleopatra slowly climbed on and held onto Blair as Skoll rose to his feet.

"Must say, never thought I'd see the day where I'd ride a wolf" Cleopatra said.

"It's going to be fun" Blair said.