The tables have turned

Egypt didn't really matter anymore but Cleopatra has found a hall inside the main pyramid she could enter thanks to her new found shadow element, might as well use that as her cave so to speak.

It was all thanks to the little Aniwaya named Blair, so sweet, so trusting, little did she know that she freed Cleopatra from a prison she was placed in by the Aniwaya before her.

Mitena was her name, it had a beautiful meaning... 'The coming moon' which had deep emphasis on who she was, no matter who or what, just like the moon touches the planet everywhere at night, so it was sure Mitena would find you.

Cleopatra despised that bitch, she was by far the most effective Aniwaya ever to walk the planet, and not one of those from the Astral plains has escaped her, if it wasn't for Cleopatra she would have succeeded in her task in less than a year.