Black gateway

There was not a patch of shade for them to find during day time, and the only time they could travel as wolves was at night, so Blair and Skoll were in a predicament.

Trying to sleep during the day was impossible due to the ever baring sun so they had to make an alterative plan to escape this wretched wasteland.

After the news Maikah gave them they continued traveling for another week, with little sleep and their water supply running low, Blair thought for sure it would be this desert that meant the end of them.

"I can't go on..." She said sinking to her knees, Skoll also stopped and rested his palms on his caps, whatever moisture their bodies had was beaten out of them by the heat, dripping to the unfertile and powder dry soil.

"We have to make a plan Blair, there has to be a quicker way to get out of here"