To prove you exist

Finally satisfied after a good meal Blair and Skoll continued socializing with John, more stories and tales of his days as a Viking surfaced the more the keg of mead emptied out.

Skoll made sure he kept it to tales and not truths, Blair who knew the truth though couldn't help sit in awe over it all.

"You speak of these fables as if you were there!" John said pretending again to write in his book, instead what Skoll and Blair didn't see was how he noted down key things about their behaviour, he was in fact still trying to conclude if Skoll was a wolf like she was.

"My grandfather was a great story teller" Skoll said lifting his mug but suddenly felt strange.

To his right Blair fell from the log on the ground, her eyes wide but that was the only expression her face managed.

"Blair?" He asked feeling dizzy himself, he knew it can't be the mead.