We are made of flesh

Maria lied Blair down slowly then stood back, dumbfound and glad at the same time she looked at Leona who sat up.

"I, I have feeling in my legs again... The pain is gone" she said looking at her sister "But I don't understand, we're not werewolves, the moon is full?"

"Who cares now Leona we got a second chance" Maria said.

"Yes... But at what cost?"

"What do you mean?"

Leona rose to her feet and tested her legs, it wasn't a lie, she could truly walk again "I watched this girl fight that man, he became a large wolf, she then became a bigger one, but it was a very close match"

Maria looked at Blair "I can see by the damage she has it must have been"

"That's besides the point, Blair asked us to keep it secret, which is obvious if we don't want bounty hunters on us, but do you think she expects us to fight as well?"

"I'm not sure"