Watch me ignore them

Maria was dashing after Leona, but for some reason there was speed in the air, she felt this strength given to her by Blair coursing through her veins and it had her pumped, but yet she couldn't catch up to her sister.

"Leona—!" She called ahead of her sprint, but nothing! She couldn't even hear the trots of her feet hitting the ground.

She stopped to listen, somewhere in the darkness she knew she'd be able to hear her, heightened senses picked up sounds from far through the trees, but still nothing, even now standing still, holding her breath to maximize sound intake.

"Are you lost?" A voice asked and she turned, a set of red eyes was so close to hers she had to flinch but couldn't back away.

Maria stood eyes wide linked right into those red orbs, she couldn't move, was it fear? Was it panic? She felt utterly paralyzed.

"Now you will use your new gift... And kill the Aniwaya girl!"