The Mandurugo

It was almost instant, Blair felt herself go dizzy, lack of blood through her neck made her brain slowly shut down, she begged in silence for Skoll to turn, and he did.

"Blasted witch!" He screamed two stepping to Blair and sliced that vice off just behind her, the rest of the barnacle creature withdrew through the window in a spray of blood, a yell came from somewhere then that turned to a wicked cackle.

Blair finally managed to rid her neck of the constriction, Skoll was baffled to see her draw on the last bit of the pink slimy snake who had itself attached to her neck like a leech, and with effort she plucked it away and sank to her knees gasping.

"Are you okay!?" He asked.

"It, it was sucking my blood! That thing was drinking from my neck like a lice!" Blair said breathless and dizzy.