
The sound of the emptiness had a hum to it, Blair thought it adequate, nice and quiet, no horrific fruitless fight, Mitena can slay her here for all she cared, no one will even find her body, defeat, the final defeat.

"Are you defeated?" The voice asked again but sounded more familiar.

"Maikah?" She sobbed looking to the side.

The wolf shadow was here as well, able to be inside the Black gateway, yet still Blair didn't care.

"Get up, young woman"

"I am not a woman, I will remain this child for the rest of my life"

"Did a mother just say that?"

"What's the point of telling me my accomplishments Maikah!? I have ultimately been fooled by the very creatures I was set out to stop! And through that I lost everything! I failed the Aniwaya, I failed, myself"