Jasper's ranking system

"Girl..." Alice said, Luna could only use her eyes to look at her mother, her face was held by ice towards Jack.

"Watch closely now, this is why ye should not get into me bad books!" Alice yelled and wove her hand.

Sharks of ice formed again, their fins skimmed over the water on deck then one leapt out and closed it's jaws around the arm of Bloodeye, he screamed as the shark viciously shook and basically sawed his arm off by his shoulder using it's serrated teeth.

Another came and took his other arm, two took his legs, then another came from below, bit his abdomen and tore his flesh away from the sternum down, his intestines spilled out turning the water surrounding him even more red than before.

Luna couldn't hold it anymore and vomited at the sight, two more sharks came one tore his head off, the other took the last of his chest away, making the spikes he was stuck to melt back into water.