Rest now my child

Luna heard the noise die down in the forest, it was clear a massive fight went on, and soon her mother will return.

She grabbed the broom with her hand but noticed the moonlight, its been a while now, since her mother has thought her to ignore the moon, don't look at it and you won't shift... Keep yourself secret that way.

She clicked her tongue and continued scrubbing the deck out of pure frustration.

"Excuse me?" She heard someone ask and dropped the broom drawing her sword.

"Who are you!?" She yelled at the woman, but even if she had to fight her, Luna could see she won't really win, her solid steel battle axe was as long as she was, she even had a hint of Alice's facial features, but with one green eye, and one blue one.

"My name is Eyvor, and I'm looking for Alice?"

Luna lowered her sword "Why?"

"I need to stop her, her rampage has gone on long enough"