Chapter four: War wolf

Vlad flew up in his bed, his bed? Last night he could have sworn a woman pushed him to the floor of his living room and drank his blood, like some vampire.

He felt his neck and there was no pain, the only thing different this morning was a soothing relaxed feeling in him, almost like he could challenge the world and stay standing.

It was time to move on to the next town, he only attacked select ones, the rest he left to establish a front for his army to rest.

After he got his armor on he left the house to the makeshift barracks on the outskirts of town, there his captain awaited him.

"Sir, the men are ready to leave" Kasabian said.

"Good, has all the tents been packed?" Vlad asked scanning, he didn't see any pitched but just to be sure nothing gets left behind.

"All is ready, we are prepared to set up a new barracks in the following town" Kasabian said.

"Then move out, I want that town mine within this week"