Where will you side?

"Mother..." Kishra said walking in, it was time, she had to know what was going on because ever since Alice has vanished the very air was stale.

Cleopatra was deep in thought and only nodded when Kishra came before her.

"What am I?" She asked and Cleopatra blinked to the current situation.

"What are you?"

Kishra crossed her arms "I overheard you talking to Naomi that time you sent me after Eyvor, I heard my father isn't a wolf, you... Are you a wolf?"

Cleopatra smiled in a way that made Kishra shrill "So my dear daughter is starting to wise up"

"You've been kind to me mother, even if you sent me on errands I didn't like, I still received a warm thanks from you every time, but these days, you're cold"

"I am not supposed to be here my dear, I'm from a dimension known as the Astral plains, I'm a creature Blair Blackmoon should have dealt with, it was her only job, but instead she gave me the strength of the great wolf"