Stray from Germany's path

To Rachel it seemed a little different this time, the camp had order, the men were on point, something special was brewing here she could tell, just by the way the guards were alert, and the mounted machine guns always pointed to the outskirts.

Hans managed to wiggle his way into a new unit after his contact with Miles, and it seemed fate had it so they were now in the camp he said they were using for this super soldier initiative.

It was against some hills and hidden well with brush, old trees and barbed wire barriers.

Hans didn't dare talk to her, she was accepted onto the truck because of good behavior, Hans made it clear this dog responded to German commands and even supposedly saved his life.

She hopped off with him and scanned the men marching, some standing one side drinking coffee, others were bent over a table studying a map, probably planning some sort of attack, or to bolster defences.