Like the idea

"So this is our situation" Naomi said giving Kyle a glance "There are not many of us, but those out there are at war, and I need you to be the key to our relief"

"Relief? From this war?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, there is a certain wolf named Blair Blackmoon who wants to overthrow my pack, then set her sights on humanity"

"As in...?"

"Yes, the only thing standing between Blair's pack and the humans is my clan"

"Do your clan have a name?" Tucker asked.

Naomi saw he was still not believing her, he answered way too easy and it was clear by his smirk he found it rather funny

"The Anubis, but Kyle, we call this the hunter project, and you will be the one to kill Blair"

"I... See, so I'm basically humanity's savior, in a way?"

"In a way yes" Naomi said "Maybe you won't be the one to kill Blair, but you will have a major role in her downfall, remember you won't be alone, my pack will be with you"

"Okay then, so how does this work?"