Consulting the Fenrir Alpha

"Antonio is going to be a problem" Dianne said as they drove back "It was as Kishra said, he's wise"

"Then we have to make a plan to get rid of him" Michael answered.

Dianne licked her lips "If we can get someone to kill Antonio, we can use that to motivate Luna and Claire further into this war"

Michael smiled "I agree, and I know just who to ask"

Dianne glances at him "Who?"

"Kishra of course, she wanted us to make friends with Luna, now's her turn to bring her side to the deal"

"Michael, she's probably off somewhere spreading the word about the war, how will we even reach her?"

He grunted "Shit, you have a point"

"I suggest we to it ourselves" Dianne said "We take Sahara with us, three against one"

"Do you think it will be enough? Antonio was given the wolf directly by Alice, he's no pushover" Michael said.

"Then we ask Jasper, maybe he can help us"

He nodded "Yes, maybe..."