Koos, Piet and Frits

The act of playing possum, Naledi never had to do that before, here she lied blasted and vulnerable, in all her life never treaded this close to death, all because of anger.

"It's that one you point blanked with the twenty mil!" She heard the one aiming the Browning say.

"Fokkit! You really don't know when to die do you!?" The other yelled.

Naledi laughed refusing to shoe her pain, but if they didn't fire yet, let her play along for now "I assure you, if you shoot me now, I will die, that I know" she said and the men gasped.

"You can talk!?"

"What?" She asked heaving "That boy with you told you nothing?" She asked thinking maybe he would have.

"No! And he's been a real pain in the ass about it!" The larger man said.