By simple amputation

There was tension behind a brace, five against one this man stood without a lick of fear, but that didn't mean his opposition feared him.

Akmah-ra came here to do one thing and that's thwart the escape of DPK, but as he twitched to move Danté ran flat out into him and struck the wall so hard a tremor ran through it.

Not expected, Akmah-ra didn't get the memo about these two new ones, Danté's arm was neatly in his throat choking the blood and air away.

He swung to strike but Danté dodged, as Akmah-ra gasped for air Rebecca was on him and her first crashed into his face, and those two crashed into the wall making it crack.

He roared swinging to her but light as a feather Rebecca's body build proved not just for show, she was out his way before his fist even came close and Danté followed up with a forward thrust kick that made him hit that wall yet again.