Be a mother now

Saliva dripped from her mouth and she spat, despite he craving to sooth her dry throat over with spit she dared not swallow, the blood wasn't fresh, its smell even had the bile in her gut sit and wait for its opportunity to be pushed up.

Alice closed her teeth only, feeling that flaking feeling of the black fluid on her lips and not wanting them to touch, she didn't want to lick her dry lips.

"A monster?" Blair said and she smiled.

"Are ye? Am I? We are monster Blair, we are able to change into these gigantic wolves at will! No moon commands us... Where lies the end stretches of our capabilities? How far can we go if we really want to?"

"I can wipe a city out in an hour Alice, yet here I stand, wanting to hear the verdict from my best friend instead" Blair said and looked to the ice, she could almost see the skeletons lying there, thousands of them.