Your weapon of choice

"That was both the weirdest and sexiest thing I've ever seen" Piet said making Blair frown to him.


"Oh, well, it means you're pretty, but, being barfed out by a wolf then okay, I'm done now, climb right back in? Weird but sexy"

Blair smiled and looked at the coyote's still stuck in time, she wove her hand and they all unfroze, but now with Cobalt gone they went to being their own again and scattered.

"That was the first mistake solved, the others might be a lot more troublesome"

"What are they? The others?" Koos asked.

Blair pinched her chin thinking of it then looked to the sky "There are a few, the problem is I need to make sure none of these creatures have sided with Jasper"

"You think Alteltiella did?" Alice asked.

"I don't know... Maybe, but she didn't seem fiendish enough to train her voice on the world"

"So maybe Jasper captured her?"