Why did you bring her here?

Piet had the van at the maximum speed the old engine allowed it to go, by the time they entered Pretoria the sun was long gone but at least the sky bared no moon.

Tensions rose as the speeds slowed heading into the small residential area of Wierda park, Koos though wondered if Luna would even have come back? Maybe she went to Namibia...

Drawing up to the house the lights were still on, one would think on a week day Luna will tell her daughters to go to bed early, but that didn't seem to phase werewolves at all.

Koos turned back to Alice "Okay, to kick things off I want everyone to stay in the van, me and Alice go in first"

"What will you tell them?" Blair asked.

"Its just, well to get Alice and Luna properly talking, so Luna doesn't freak out and run..."

"Will you tell her my ultimate plan is to take the wolf back?" Blair asked.