I'm not a monster

The only one who stood with a smile on her face was Alice, the rest was stupefied beyond belief as the bodies kept streaming in and almost disrespectfully tumbled into the empty pool.

"Does this look like some fucking cemetery!?" Derrick yelled gaping at the mess of blood and bodies.

"Aye the pool of the dead right here! Doesn't this bring back memories ey Luna!?" Alice said laughing.

"Stop..." Maxwell murmured "Stop please!"

"What's wrong half blood? Ye be mocking Blair so cheaply, now behold the consequences of your disrespect!"

"I didn't know I swear! Please just stop this!"

The last body tumbled in and suddenly an awkward silence fell over the yard, Blair appeared again before Maxwell but her face was deranged, her eyes wide and fangs clenched, everyone saw the agitation in her lashing tail.