Snow in the desert

The sun was mighty, Eyvor admired that about nature, everything surrounding it in some way can be pushed beyond the limits of any living being, and so doing cause the living to perish.

Heatstroke, a tidal wave, giant funnels of wind swirling and roaring, feeding off the land as it sweeps mercilessly onwards.

The earth will expel its anger and fire melted rock into the air, and no water can just stop that.

Storms of thunder that strikes down on unknown targets, one never knows where lightning will make contact with earth, her father always said if you get hit, that's Thor who chose you to go to Valhalla, and no one else.

Now this sun, so beautiful yet deadly, it's heat as oppressing as the sight of it, one can't just look at the sun and see it, one surely would go blind.