You've seen enough blood

"What happened here?" Luna asked as they walked over the debris on the floor.

"I... We... Killed the pack off, that used to reside here" Derrick said looking at Claire.

"I remember it vaguely, but its all a scramble" she said.

The once pack house of Siegfried now in shambles, after Derrick and Claire wiped it clean someone must have discovered the bloodbath and phoned the police.

All that remained was the mess cordoned off with yellow tape, the bodies long since removed.

"How did this not end up in the news?" Luna asked seeing sprays of blood on the walls still left like that for forensics probably.

"I don't know, but what I need to know now is that song, what was it?" He asked.

Everyone glanced at each other, Sasha and Kara one side to one another, Luna and Claire, but no one answered.

"My wolf said its some sort of howl, from an alpha, and not even as the brute of a fiend he is, could he restrain himself from listening"