Found them

"What do you mean you thought we betrayed you?" Anna asked.

Koos snorted jerking his head "It was Haimovi, he asked Blair where you were, his prediction was you betrayed Blair as well"

"We would never! Above all the mess that currently unfolded, even Blair saying she's going to take our wolf back, we won't betray the Aniwaya name" Amarinth said.

"Then what were you doing back in Alaska?"

Blair held her hand up "Enough"

It was a simple and straightforward word but Koos felt himself get drawn to obey it "Y... Yes Alpha"

"Fok it sounds odd hearing Koos say that" Piet said chuckling.

"Shush it!" Koos bit at him.

"The two were reassessing the walls of the plains, am I correct?" Blair asked them.

Anna nodded "After recent events with Jasper, him making the wolves lose their minds, the walls started to weaken"

"What!? What does that mean!?" Koos yelled but shriveled when Blair glared at him.