Now I control the gates

It was a slow draw, Blair felt Mitena wanted to take her time at breaking her neck, but then just as she readied herself for the painful numbing sensation Mitena roared letting her go.

With a quick roll Blair was out from under Mitena and turned on her, now under attack by a wolf she hasn't seen in long as well, Hati...

Where he came from she wasn't sure but he was brutally attacking Mitena, having her spine now in his jaws and shaking violently.

Blair saw this as an opportunity, charging in to grab Mitena by her throat and drew down, her attempt to rip it out was thwarted when suddenly she and Hati got drawn to the ground by sheer force.

Mitena moved away from the two to make space, breathless and bleeding, leering at Hati most of all.

"Mutt... You escaped your prison" she said.

Blair looked at him but he was like Fenrir before, mad and deranged, only wanting to attack, difference is he wanted to attack Mitena, not Blair.