Chapter 46 : Stained Warhammer

Ferrow explained to the exam students, "Your souls will be put to good use. And since you know it will be for a good cause, that shall make you feel better in sacrificing your life to Harvest. We are going to raise our leader from the dead, and Duri's soul will raise my son, whom he killed."

The students started talking to each other, and then Nine asked Ferrow, "You bastard..Katai was your son?"

"He was pretty well known before he was murdered by that brat."

Ren-Ren exclaimed to Ferrow, "YOU'RE a villain? I'm going to be a way better villain than you! You're just scum! Not even villain material!"

Ferrow replied, "Poor child. We are not villains. We are saviors. Our Harvest realm was destroyed many years ago, and we want to bring everyone under our way ruling. Excuse me, Reborns way of ruling. His brother Zabel will see how important Reborn will become."

The students starred to say:

"Did he just say Zabel?"

"He's talking about that evil guy who destroys realms to gain power!"

"Zabel is involved in all of this?!"

"This is getting even worse!"

Seven whispered to Espen, asking, "Oi..can you put this dumbass in one of your domains that you used against me?"

Espen replied, "I'm trying. But he's..blocking me out. I can't even read his mind.."

"..How is he blocking you out?"

"I'm trying to bring out my staff..but it won't come out. It feels like something is holding onto it."

Ferrow chuckled, "I hear your whispers. Yes. You cannot bring that domain staff out into existence."

"How are you doing this?"

Ren-Ren looked at Ferrows right hand, and saw that his finger was slightly pointing at Espen.

Ren-Ren thought, 'His hands! If he points at someone, they can't use their powers! I just need to cut the hands off! But this guy is unpredictable..he may try something funny. What am I thinking? As a future villain, I have to take risks. And this guy is nothing but a fraud of a villain!'

Ren-Ren made his katana come out, and he appeared right beside Ferrow.

Above Ferrow, was Kazuma, and Kazuma was blasting down fire lions.

And coming to the left of Ferrow, was Nine, she was using her speed to get to Ferrow with green electric currents surrounding her body.

Kazuma said, "Go, Ren-Ren!"

Ren-Ren sliced Ferrows hands off, and the technique was released.

Nine punched Ferrow up the chin, knocking him in the air, and Nine yelled, "Go, Kazuma!"

Kazuma's fire lions snatched Ferrow up and slammed him to the ground.

Immediately, Espen was making her staff form, and she ran over to Ferrow and hit the floor with her staff, creating a domain, and they were gone. But Ren-Ren was accidentally caught up in the domain too.

All the other students were left in the arena, looking around.

Seven said, "Dammit! We can't leave them alone in there with that man! I didn't know how Espens domain power worked, I was hoping she could take us with her."

Shiryu walked up to Seven, saying, "I copied her mind reading ability. She didn't want any of you to get hurt."

"...The hell.."

At that moment, a Host came crashing through the arena, and that man made the entire arena crumble and collapse. 

The students were yelling, and the building fell apart, spreading all the exam students out around the city because of the strong impact.

Seven looked back at the black dome, yelling, "Duri!!!"

Inside Espens domain, they were in a desert-like area. Ferrow was standing there all alone, until Ren-Ren showed up behind Ferrow, holding his sword.

Ferrows hands grew back too.

Ferrow turned around to Ren-Ren, "This is what I was trying to avoid. Those domain bastards are annoying. I've run into some of them before."

"Well this will be the last one you'll ever see."

"Spoken like a bad guy yourself. Your dream is to be a villain?"

"The greatest and most feared, you commoner."

"You won't be able to see that dream once I'm done with you."

Ren-Ren thought, 'This guy is ten times stronger than me. His glare is freaking me the hell out. What am I gonna do? No! No time to panic..I just need to fight. This is the real deal. I…I have to k-kill him if I wanna win! That's what villains do, right? They kill!'

Walking up beside Ren-Ren, was Host Hanako. Hanako was bloody all over, and she was holding two katana swords.

Ferrow said to Hanako, "Hoh? Two katana users? And um..Host…I'm surprised you broke out of the bondage I wrapped around you earlier."

Hanako responded, "You caught me off guard. But now I'm ready."

"Mm. Okay."

Hanako said silently to Ren-Ren, "Me and you are from the same clan, we both wield katanas, a special gift given to us because of our bloodline. Meaning, we are family in some way. Do not falter, this man has the strength of a Host."

"You're kidding..? You're not kidding.."

"I am not the one to kid around. That is useless on the battlefield. This is a life and death situation, and the lives of you exam students are our number one priority. As members of the same clan, we have to display the strength of the Katana, and take this man down for good."

"Ha! Now that's more like it!"

Up high behind them on top of a pyramid, Espen stood there with her staff.

Espen thinks, 'His nightmares will come in handy. All he ever dreams about is his dead son Katai. I'll use that. But will it piss him off, or make him sad? His emotions and reactions will determine how strong he fights. He is well aware of my domain, so he'll know it's fake. parents said my domain was unique, what if Ferrow doesn't know what I can do with mine?!'

Espen pointed her staff forward, and a bunch of Katai's began to form, it was at least a hundred of them, and they were running at full speed towards Ferrow.

Ferrow said, "A hundred of my sons. It brings a tear to my eye to see his face."

They continued to press forward, and Ferrow pointed at his own head, then pointed at the ground.

Immediately, black and orange power discs began to swoop in from all directions, cutting all the Katai's up and ripping the ground apart.

The discs were flying everywhere, and two were headed towards Ren-Ren and Hanako.

It hit them, but they blocked it. Ren-Ren and Hanako slid back because of the force, even though they blocked the attack.

Hanako instructed Ren-Ren, "You go right. I'll go left."

"I don't like right. I'll go left, you go right."

"Watch the discs. Don't teleport straight at Ferrow. He'll expect it."

"Yeah yeah."

Ren-Ren ran to the left, and Hanako dashed to the right, they both were dodging the super fast discs that were flying around.

The discs were sharp, it could cut through anything. At moments, the discs would randomly grow larger.

Hanako was running fast forward, flipping and cutting the large discs in half with her swords.

Two discs were coming at her from the sides, so she jumped upside down and did a tornado spin with her blades extended, cutting both of the discs in half.

When she landed on her feet, a 16 foot sharp disc was coming at her. She was ready to take it down, but the disc turned into Ferrow.

Ferrow punched Hanako in the face twice, sending her flying backwards.

Ren-Ren saw it, yelling, "Hanako!"

He ran to the left, sliding under and jumping over the discs that were headed towards him.

He teleported over to Ferrow and cut him across the chest. But nothing happened, Ferrows body melted into a pool of water. It wasn't the real Ferrow.

Ren-Ren thought, 'A fake?!'

Ren-Ren was punched in the back of the head, and he went flying forward.

Ren-Ren was about to teleport, but Ferrow grabbed him by the face, and started trying to crush his head.

"Some villain you are. You think you'll go far with this strength? I must say…most people's heads would've been crushed, but you're still hanging on."

Ren-Ren's eyes were rolling to the back of his head, blood came out his ears, eyes, mouth, and head.

"I..I won't let you beat me!"

Ren-Ren raised his sword up fast, and he cut one of Ferrows arms off, making himself free.

Ferrow said, "Hm?"

Ren-Ren kicked Ferrow in the chest, and started slashing up his body with his sword, cutting him in all directions. Blood was splattering everywhere, and Ren-Ren continued to slash up Ferrow's chest and stomach.

Ferrow was smiling the whole time.

"I gave you a chance to give me your best shot..but now I am disappointed."

Ferrow punched Ren-Ren in the nose, and Ren-Ren crashed 50 feet to the ground, with his back bouncing off the ground due to the hard force.

Ren-Ren barely had time to breathe, Ferrow grabbed Ren-Ren's arm, swung him around, and lifted him up.

Ferrows arm grew back, and a red and white aura filled his arm. The aura touched Ren-Ren, and there was a loud boom and blast, blasting Ren-Ren into the air.

Ferrow met up with him, and he started punching him in the face and stomach, and each punch made the ground shiver and vibrate in destruction.

Ren-Ren's eyes were fading, and he could barely lift his sword up, he was covered in blood, his wounds were astronomically viscous, you couldn't even tell that was Ren-Ren just by looking at him.

Ferrow stuck his hands out and the red and white aura filled both of his arms.

He stuck his hands out to Ren-Ren, but before he could make a move, Hanako came out of nowhere and snatched Ren-Ren away.

Hanako yelled to Espen, "Cover him with the land, Espen!"

Espen yelled back, "Yokai, Hanako!"

Hanako ran behind a pyramid, and sat Ren-Ren down, saying, "Stay here. Your chest is almost crushed. Don't move."

Ren-Ren was trying to reply, but he couldn't, blood was falling out of his mouth.

Hanako said, "You did satisfactory. Now let me handle this."

From a distance, Espen raised her staff, and a pyramid grew around Ren-Ren, keeping him closed in there.

All around the area, Ferrows' large red discs were ripping the Katai's apart, and they were ripping the ground apart in explosions and destruction.

In the air, Hanako floated in front of Ferrow.

Ferrow said, "This is a pain in the ass. Your efforts are worthless!"

Hanako didn't reply, but she said to herself, "Kono tatakai ni makete mo, kono sensō ni makeru koto wa arimasen. Āmen."

Meaning: *Even if I lose this fight, we will not lose this war. Amen.*

Hanako smashed her two swords together, and a light brown and grey tornado began to form around her. This was the same move Ren-Ren could do, but it was much much larger and more destructive.

Ferrow stood there watching, thinking, 'I can't get inside of that. I'll just have to stop her power with my ability.'

Ferrow was about to point at Hanako, but light brown slashes were shooting from the tornado like machine gun bullets.

Ferrow gasped, thinking, 'They're fast! I can't use my ability suppression move while moving…she's smart.'

Ferrow started moving around fast, barely avoiding the slashes. Ferrow was cut by some of them, some almost ripped his head clean off.

Ferrow pointed his hands forward, and four large red sharp discs appeared in front of him, and he was trying to use them as shields.

'There, this should protect me while I try to cancel that Host's ability! But once I stop her, I have to be quick with my next move.'

The slashed shattered the red discs, and one of the slashes cut Ferrows leg and arm off.

Ferrow gasped again, flying to the left, each slash from the tornado that came his way, he put a red disc up in front of it.

'I'll put up a line of red discs, that'll buy me enough time. The slashes coming from that tornado will take a while to cut through all my discs. I can use my ability while that happens.'

Ferrow started flying backwards at full speed with his hands out in front of him. His hands created a line of red discs, as the slashes were cutting through them.

'I need to go faster.'

Ferrow flew backwards faster, he wanted to get back far enough to where he could stop and use his power canceling move.

Suddenly, a pyramid was created behind Ferrow, and that was the doing of Espen to try and slow him down.

Ferrow looked at it, and shattered it in one punch.

After he shattered it, Ren-Ren came bursting out of the pyramids rubble in the air, and he had a mean look on his bloody face. Ren-Ren stabbed Ferrow through the back with his sword, screaming as he and Ferrow flew forward.

Ferrow yelled, "Fool! I thought you were unable to fight.."

"I'm not…letting you beat me!"

Ferrow was about to cut Ren-Ren in half with his red discs, but Ren-Ren created a red and grey tornado using his Katana.

Ren-Ren and Ferrow were both in the middle of it, and they started floating to the top. Ferrows skin was melting, burning, and withering due to being inside of the tornado, and it almost hurt him.

They swirled up to the top of the tornado, and Ferrow had Ren-Ren by the throat.

Ferrow was about to do something, but here came Hanako, ramming both of her katana's in Ferrows back, tackling him away from Ren-Ren.

Hanako and Ferrow fell to the ground feet first, but as they ran together, soaring a few inches off the ground at fast speeds, Ferrow had two large red sharp discs in his hand.

Hanako and Ferrow were dueling with the katana's and discs, and each hit blew a part of the ground up, making a large bang and cracking noise.

Ferrow aimed for Hanako's head, but Hanako leaned back and sliced Ferrow across the face and throat, then spun around and stabbed Ferrow through the back.

Hanako thought, 'He's regenerating fast. All the blows he's taken, he's shrugged them off..he's tough.'

Hanako was running across the field, dragging Ferrow with her. They were running towards Hanako's hurricane, but at the top of her hurricane, was a large 60 foot tall light brown holographic spirit form of her, and that spirit form was holding two swords. 

Hanako screamed, "Destroy!"

Hanako tossed Ferrow at the spirit form, and that spirit form sliced Ferrow in half.

At a distance, Espen was standing there watching, and Ren-Ren was kneeling beside her, bruised up.

Ren-Ren asked, "She did it…she killed him.."

Espen replied, "No..she didn't. He's still here. I can't feel his presence or energy, but I know where EVERYONE is in my domain."


In the air, Ferrow was grinning, and he said, "If I hadn't replaced myself with a fake me inside of that boy's tornado, I probably would've been a little hurt."

Hanako gasped, then she looked on the ground to her left where Ferrows body was supposed to be.

The fake him had melted in a pool of water.

Hanako thought, 'He switched himself out with one of his create a fake.'

Over to where Ren-Ren and Espen were, Espen said, "This is going to be hard.."

Ren-Ren replied, "I hate to say this right now…and I really do…but we need Duri!"