Chapter 52 : Titans Vs Titan

Everyone all over the world that was watching, said:

"I recognize that birthmark from anywhere, that's Duri!"

"He looks so different!"

"Will he be able to beat him?"

All the exam students in the cube barrier were saying:

"Duri's back!"

"I thought he was dead!"

"Me too!"

"No way that's him!"

"It's obviously OUR Duri, he has the birthmark!"

"Duri and Marshy are hybrid Titans? Insane!!! THAT MEANS THEY ARE INDEED TITANS!"

"That means if they reach their full potential, they could be the strongest Titans to ever live!"



Seven watched, and she had a tear run down her eye, saying, "Duri…is that..really him..?"

Nine and Jiyu and Espen were looking right at her with a grin.

Seven wiped her tears, and said, "…I mean..pfft…that idiots back."

Jiyu said, "I'm s-so glad he's alive!"

Nine exclaimed, "He looks badass! Kick his ass, Duri!"

Ren-Ren said, "Hmph. I knew he'd come back. And that form of his…it's alright. Nothing special of course."

Kazuma said to Ren-Ren, "Aww stop being jealous! Duri's back! And he looks awesome!!! Let's go Duri!!!"

Tek was watching this, and he smirked, thinking, 'Fool. Coming back from the dead just to surprise us as being the Angel Titan.'

Shiryu smiled, "Yay..Duri is alive..and now we can probably win.."

Espen agreed, "Indeed. Duri and Marshy have been confirmed to be Titans. This could go in our favor."

Xenon, Kedarah, Sith, and Tetsuya were in the cube barrier now, and Xenon watched Duri's form, saying to the other Hosts, "He said..Angel Titan.."

Tetsuya replied, "There was a prophecy years ago that someone in the Titan bloodline would inherit the Angel blood. And it seems…that Duri has inherited it."

Kedarah asked, "What can the Angel Titan do?"

"A whole lot of things..this is Duri's first time being in this form..I'm pretty sure he's conscious but not conscious if you know what I mean."

"Oh..that's so cool!"

"Don't get happy. They still lost their grandfather Mifu.."

Voel watched all of this, smiled, and thought, 'Yeah, Mifu. This must be a beautiful sight in your eyes. I'll see you soon, friend.'

Outside, as everything was still rushing, and the orange and black sky roared, and the dust and smoke circled them…Ferrow said, "How can you be the Angel Titan?!! There's other Titans like you…you're n-nothing! You're still scum!! A worthless murderer!"

Ferrow looked over at the cube barrier, and he stuck his hand out to it.

Just then, ten 40 foot long and 50 foot wide spinning gold swords with yellow lightning around them came into existence, and they blasted their way over to the cube barrier."

It was getting closer and closer, but Duri and Marshy teleported to the front of all the giant spinning swords.

Duri and Marshy stood side by side, and Duri stuck his black shadow sword out, and the sword began to devour all of Ferrows spinning swords, and they were being sucked into Duri's swords.

Ferrow thinks, 'His sword is eating my power?!'

Duri finished, and he slashed the air in front of him with a quick strike.

The ground blew up, everyone looked distorted, and Ferrows chest was sliced in half, and Ferrows giant spinning swords rushed back at him.

Ferrow thought, 'He can use other people's powers against them?! And not only that..his sword just changed the physical appearance of reality! If I keep trying to attack those other children and Hosts, they'll be too busy trying to protect them, that's when I'll catch them off guard!'

Ferrow was dodging his own swords that were coming at him, this happened for a few seconds, then it finally ended.

Marshy looked at Duri, thinking, 'Is he..learning his own powers as he's in that form?!'

Ferrow gritted his teeth, and he started flying high in the air, screaming, "I will avenge my son! I won't lose!!!'

Ferrow slammed his hand down, and a 100 foot long and 200 foot wide spinning red and gold sword with red and gold lightning around it spiraled down fast from the sky, and towards the cube barrier all the students and Hosts were in.

Duri and Marshy looked up, and they both dashed up there together.

The sword was coming down at them, and some students were panicking.

Duri and Marshy pulled their weapons back, and blasted straight through the sword in one quick strike, shattering it to pieces.

Down below, Ferrow was flying straight toward the cube barrier, and his fist was huge, and it had red, black, pink, and orange flames around it, and he was about to shatter the barrier.

'Got them!'

Suddenly, Marshy showed up, and blocked Ferrows fist with her scythe.

Marshy said, "Not…!"

Duri swooped in and cut Ferrows head off cleanly. At that same moment, Marshy tried to reach inside Ferrows chest to grab his heart, but Ferrow reacted fast, flying away from them as his head was growing back.

Ferrow started flying back up to the sky, and once he got high enough, more giant spinning swords were appearing out of nowhere and from all directions, and they were zooming around the area at full speed.

Then, 90 foot long and 80 foot wide white pillars with brown spikes on them started to blast up from the ground, destroying everything, and some of the pillars formed in mid air, heading straight towards Duri and Marshy.

Ferrow yelled, "I only have 8% of borrowed Titan power…that's all I need to win!! Die, bastard scum!"

Duri and Marshy were floating back to back with each other, looking straight at Ferrow.

Marshy shook her head, thinking, 'Mifu…I wish..I wish you could see me and Duri like this…you left me so..abruptly and fast…it came out of nowhere....I know you hid things from me just to protect me..and I appreciate that. You knew Duri was the Angel Titan..and you knew a day like this would come. Finding out Duri was my real son..made me happy..but sad at the time when I thought he was gone forever. But son is alive..and he is fighting with me once again. You are a hero..and I thank you for all that you taught me..and I thank you for telling me the truth. You are no longer suffering..until we meet again..grandfather..'

Suddenly, a spirit form of Mifu shined behind Duri and Marshy, and that spirit form put his hands on their shoulders, saying, peacefully, "And we will.."

The spirit form of Mifu disappeared forever, and a tear fell down Duri and Marshy's eye, and Marshy grinned.

And she gave a large battle cry as she and Duri rushed forward to attack Ferrow together.

Marshy went to the left, and Duri went to the right.

Marshy was cutting swords in half with her scythe, and she dodged pillars and swords in mid air. 

She flung her scythe into the air and her scythe was destroying the swords and pillars on its own.

The scythe came back on its own, Marshy caught it, and saw a giant pillar flying towards her.

Marshy went straight through th4 bottom of the pillar, spinning her body and her scythe around and around like a ballet dancer, ripping straight across the pillar.

There was so much destruction and explosions, the entire world shook at just this battle. The pillars and the swords were causing bright lighted explosions, splitting everything apart, loud crashes, and also the sky was turning red.

Duri was jumping from pillar to pillar, spinning while jumping as he and his sword shredded the swords and pillars that were coming at him.

The ground exploded under Duri, and Duri jumped in the air.

Duri dodged some more pillars and swords, and Ferrow was even using telekinesis on some building pieces on the ground to launch at Duri and Marshy.

Duri and Marshy ran on top of th4 same pillar, flipping over and slicing and dodging everything that was thrown at them.

Duri saw Ferrow flying at him to attack.

Ferrow tried to take a strike at Duri, but Ferrows hand morphed through Duri.

Ferrow gasped, and Duri grabbed Ferrow by the face, flew all the way up to the sky, flew as fast as he could all the way back down to the ground, and slammed Ferrows face on his knee, making the ground collapse and explode and rise in chaos like the area and objects around them were doing.

Ferrow hacked up blood, and Duri stabbed Ferrow through the  chest. A black shadow started to surround Ferrows body, and it started to burn.

Duri said menacingly, " shut up."

The shadows on Ferrows body started to turn into hands, and those hands started to drag Ferrow down to the ground.

Under Ferrow, a black shadow hole was forming, and the hands dragged Ferrow down in there.

Ferrow yelled, "AGHH!!!! NO!!"

Duri and Ferrow were in a black domain, and Ferrow looked straight ahead, seeing Duri standing there. Behind Duri, and all around the domain, were large shadow hands. And behind Duri, was over 70 fully covered shadow men and women, holding shadow weapons, and looking into Ferrows eyes.

Ferrow said, "I won't let you beat me!!!"

Duri zipped up to Ferrow in less than a second, and punched him in the chest. Ferrows chest snapped, but Duri punched Ferrow so hard, Ferrows soul was hanging out of his body.

Ferrow dragged his soul back into his own body with his power, but the large shadow arms and fists were punching Ferrow all around the domain, battering him to death.

Then, the shadow men and women of all shapes and sizes behind Duri charged forward to go attack Ferrow.

Ferrows' eyes were now red, and he thought, 'Katai, I won't be beaten by your killer! I WILL bring you back!'

Ferrow flew back and drew his own blood, he did that, and an army of blood and gold human figures appeared on red and gold horses and weapons. The figures had golden armor on too, and they went to battle with the shadow men and men.

The figures and the shadows battled fiercely, destroying each other in a large-scale battle.

The shadow men and women were just shadow copies of the shadow men and women who were alive in the Shadow realm before the massacre. But those copies can be summoned by Duri whenever he wants, and those copies can use the shadow abilities the real versions of them had.

Ferrow had purple and red and white orb in both of his hands, and he started rushing at Duri with them.

Duri stuck his hand out at it, but Ferrow made the orbs disappear just in time, thinking, 'I got him!'

Before Ferrow could strike with his Titan speed, a shadow arm came out of Duri's back holding a shadow sword, and stabbed Ferrow in the stomach.


Duri turned around swinging at Ferrows head, but he leaned back to dodge it.

But, Duri spun and kicked Ferrow in the stomach, sending him flying.

Ferrow felt his inside bubbling up in blood, he thought, 'I need to avoid getting hit by him…'

Ferrow stretched his hands, and golden walls began to form around the domain.

Coming out of the walls, were golden chains, and they caught Duri by the arms.

Duri instantly shattered them without having to do a thing, and he flew to Ferrow again.

Ferrow was flying away from him, making more walls form, and trying to use them to close Duri in.

Duri was breaking them easily, cutting them apart. 

Duri punched Ferrow in the stomach, across the cheek, then up the chin.

Ferrows' body was broken, and he was zooming all over the place. He didn't even have time to perform his strongest moves.

Finally, all the shadow fists and all the shadow men and women banded together, and hit Ferrow all at once.

That hit made Ferrow go back into the real world, and he saw Marshy still dodging and destroying swords and pillars.

Ferrow was about to attack her, but Marshy threw her scythe at him, and it connected with his chest. 

Marshy floated in the air, and she gave off a malicious grin as blood dripped from her head to her mouth. She cuffed her hands together, and began doing hand signs slowly, intertwining her hands and fingers together and twisting around the palms.

Ferrow's body was being controlled now, and he was flying all over the place, due to the hand movements Marshy was doing.

Marshy was making Ferrow crash and bang against all the pillars and swords that were flying around. While Marshy was doing that, she was dodging the other swords and pillars that were coming her way.

Then, Marshy jumped on top of an incoming sword, and she yanked her hands backwards.

Ferrow started flying towards her not on his own will, and Marshy ripped the scythe out from Ferrows chest, and she hit Ferrow in the face with the scythe.

After that hit, the world shook, and all the oceans around the world gave off large tsunamis, which was then stopped by some nearby Hosts.

The shield around Marshy, Ferrow, and Duri shattered, and parts of the ground around them blew up like a nuke going off, and the sun above them was cracked a little before it started regenerating.

Ferrow flew back at least 800 feet, with his whole body shattered, and he was slowly regenerating.

'This..can' happening..but this…was unexpected! I have to put them both away here and now!'

Ferrow regenerated, and he began to scream as loud as he could. His scream made his own blood leak from his head, and all the exam students saw him, saying:

"This isn't good!"

"Is Marshy and Duri gonna be okay?!'

Ferrow raised his hands, and in space, the stars nearby were circling around each other fast, and then the whole galaxy started to rumble, and suddenly, the stars smashed into each other, creating a 100,000 foot long and 100,000 foot wide supernova occured, resulting in giant explosion, but Ferrow made the energy from explosion gather together, and he made it blast down towards earth.


The blast from the supernova was spiraling down to earth in a massively large beam.

Marshy and Duri were looking up at it, and Marshy said, "Duri..if that hits earth, it would destroy everyone and everything."

Duri didn't say anything. Instead, he stuck his sword out to Marshy, and Marshy looked at it.

Marshy instantly figured out what Duri wanted to do.

'The way people with powers can combine their power energy with one another to create an attack..the same thing can happen with seems like Duri is still aware of what he is doing..'

Marshy placed the blade of her Excalibur on Duri's sword, and a light sparked around them.

Ferrow said, "T-that won't stop it! The supernova blast is not a power from the sun, meaning you can't even you can't even absorb it! You can only absorb powers from sun powers, not natural disasters! Yeah..I've been studying you during this fight!!!!"

Marshy responded, "You're…next!"

Duri and Marshy still had their weapons together, and they stepped back with their feet, and they slammed their weapons upward towards the sky.

A black, yellow, and orange mixed beam formed, and it shot into the sky. The beam lit up th4 entire world, everyone could see it.

The beam was going up faster and faster and then it reached space. The supernova beam and the beam from Marshy and Duri collided. Both forces were pushing each other back, and down on earth, Marshy and Duri were still holding the beam up with their weapons.

The beam and the supernova had a rivalry, who was gonna push who back?

Duri and Marshy continued to push upwards with a battle cry, and tears in their eyes.

Their beam waited a few seconds, and then it completely destroyed the supernova. There was white debris around space, with some of the other stars reacting to it.

Marshy and Duri moved their weapons away from each other, making the beam go away.

The exam students and Hosts were heavily focused on this, watching every single detail.

Ferrow started flying backwards, yelling, "I won't stop here!!! I'll keep doing the same move until this world dies!"

Ferrow began screaming again, and bolts of red lightning came from the sky and hit the ground in loud and wide explosions.

The ground then was being raised upwards, and there were giant holes being created, and landslides were created. The stars in space were gathering again because of Ferrow, he was ready to do the move again.

Marshy said, "We can't teleport anymore for today. It drains our fatigue heavily, and uses up most of our power. If we continue to use it past its limit, we could faint, and that's dangerous in a battle to the death. And you're new to this form, you don't want to overdo it at a time like this! We have to charge straight in!"

Duri and Marshy dashed forward at full speed, jumping over the rising and exploding ground, and dodging the lightning bolts.

Parts of the ground around them were trying to slam on top of them, but Duri and Marshy were destroying them left and right with their weapons.

They pressed forward faster, avoiding and sliding under everything.

Then, a 400 foot blood wall was created from the ground by Ferrow  was falling on top of Duri and Marshy.

Duri and Marshy had looked at it with a mean look, and then they both turned into electrifying orbs. Marshy was an orange and black and yellow orb with orange lightning around it, and Duri was a shadow orb with black lightning around it.

They both smashed through everything, even going underground. They blasted through the dirt, and they flew around the red lightning bolts and rising ground pieces.

The power from both of them shattered the ground more, and Ferrow kept screaming.

The stars in space were a few seconds away from colliding again, the people around the world, the Hosts, and the exam students were anxious and one edge.

Marshy yelled, "Faster…faster..faster…faster!!"

Ferrow yelled, "I won't let you win!!"

Ferrow created blood humans with gold armor and gold wings, zipping at Duri and Marshy. 

Duri and Marshy in their orb forms completely ran through the blood figures, shattering them everywhere

Ferrow couldn't see Duri and Marshy anymore, until he looked up, and he saw them both not in their orb forms anymore, and falling on him with menacing faces.

Ferrow closed his eyes, giving up, thinking, ' sorry..Katai…and I am sorry..Maria…I couldn't win..I'll be meeting with you both…'

Duri and Marshy crushed him, with Marshy's scythe sticking to his stomach, one Duri's hand through Ferrow's chest, holding his heart on the other side.

The stars in space calmed down and eventually went to be still. 

It was quiet around the area, and Ferrow was dead. Duri and Marshy stood together again, with Marshy tossing Ferrow's body to the side.

That whole time, Marshy was staring at Duri with more tears flowing from her eyes, and her magma armor was going away. Marshy was even making her scythe disappear back into her body again.

Marshy said, "Duri.."

Duri looked at Marshy, and Marshy started walking up to him slowly, she cried, "You're're alive…and I see…you took the band off. I'm so…so..sorry for..what happened between us…you are my real son..and I am your real mother…can we be the family..we used to be.."

At a far distance, stood 5 unidentified people in black robes and hoodies. They were the remaining 5 Centurions of Harvest.

One of them said, "Should we attack all together or..?"

"No. Not now. There is a time for everything, have patience."

A girl's voice exclaimed, "Aww man! I was wanting to snatxh up some souls like mortal kombat! You know, the game!"

"Patience. We shall leave for now. But they should know, Harvest will be back."

"Tch. Fineee. Now we have to find someone as strong as Ferrow to replace him as a Centurion."

"Ferrow was weaker than us. We didn't really need him anyway. With us 5…that should do it. Now let's leave. We'll come back another day…"

All the exam students and the Hosts that were in the cube barrier were jogging over to Duri and Marshy. The exam students wanted to talk to them badly; Seven, Tek, Nine, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Shiryu, Kazuma, and Espen were walking together.

Tek didn't want to say anything to anyone though.

Host Xenon said, "We won.."

Chaos replied, "But we lost so many Hosts in the process.."

"A war is never without loss or casualties, Chaos. We will honor them once we get back.."

Marshy was still talking to Duri and everyone watched.

Duri was still in his Angel Titan form, and he was staring at everyone.

It got quiet.

Tetsuya said, "Wait a minute. Somethings off…"

Kedarah asked him, "What is it?"

Marshy tried to grab Duri's hand, but Duri's teeth got sharper, he raised his sword up, and slammed it to Marshy. Marshy quickly dodged the attack, saying, "He's not used to this form yet, someone get his headband!!"

Duri went to attack the students with full malice, but Marshy jumped on Duri's back, yelling, "Duri, listen to me! It's me, Marshy!"

Duri leaped into the air, and started flying all over the place.

Marshy thinks, 'He was fine earlier..he was understanding what was going he's on a rampage. His headband will seal his Angel Titan side again, and that would do it.'

Marshy was still hanging onto Duri, as Duri was smashing Marshy's back all over nearby trees, and the ground.

The students said:

"Is he trying to kill us?!"

"But they just saved us!"

"You heard Marshy! He's not used to this form!"

"Move out the way!"

Seven and Tek said together, "Duri.."

Seven thinks, 'Duri's going berserk..this isn't good..'

Marshy was enduring the pain, saying, "Duri!!"

Duri kept going, gripping his sword tight, he kept racing over to the students to try and kill them, but Marshy would use all of her remaining strength to pull him back.

They went up high into the air, and a shadow arm came from Duri's back, and it punched Marshy in the stomach. Then another shadow fist came out of Duri's back, and those fists were punching Marshy over and over in the stomach.

Marshy yelled, "It's okay, Duri! I'm gonna help you!"

Down on the ground, Nine was using her green lightning speed to get around, and Tek was standing on her back. 

Nine said, "Don't miss, Tek!"

Tek replied, "Worry about driving, Nine."

Tek stuck his hand out and shot a chain over at Duri. 

Then, Kazuma made a large fire wall appear, and the wall blocked Duri.

Duri stopped for a second to destroy the wall, but Tek's chain wrapped around Duri's leg, and Tek was trying to pull him down, but Duri didn't budge.

Just then, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Nine, Seven, Espen, and Shiryu jumped in and helped Tek pull. Then, all the other students and Hosts jumped in to help pull, using all of their remaining strength. 

Kazuma then went to help, saying, "We'll help you out, Duri! We're friends after all!"

Jiyu added, "Y-yeah! We've got you covered!"

Duri was trying to fly away, and he was dragging everyone with him. But everyone put up a fight pulling the chain.

Duri gritted his bloody teeth, and then he made his body into an actual permeable shadow. Marshy fell through Duri's shadow body, and the chain went through his leg. 

Duri made his body non permeable again, he was about to strike again with his sword at the students and Hosts. But this time, Xenon was behind Duri, saying, "Yo, Duri."

Duri turned around to him, and Xenon slammed the headband on Duri's head, and everyone gasped.

Duri started to turn back to his normal self, and his regular Non Angel Titan appearance was coming back.

Duri looked Xenon in the eyes, and he began to fall.

As he fell with his eyes squinting, Marshy caught Duri just in time, and sat on the ground with him.

Marshy was rubbing head, and she began to remember how she held Duri just like that when he was little.

Marshy kept whispering, "I got you…I got you..I got you.."

Duri replied slowly, "You' real mom..?"

Duri fainted, and he was unconscious. A tear from Marshy's eye dropped on Duri's cheek. And Marshy hugged him tight.

Xenon stood with Host Sith, Tetsuya, Kedarah, and Hanako. 

Xenon started lighting and smoking a cigarette, and he said, "School starts in three days.."

Tetsuya responded, "Yeah. After all that has happened with the Harvest. I feel like the war isn't over.."

Hanako interrupted, "When is war ever over?"

"You have…a point. This school year is going to be interesting…"

*THIS IS THE END OF PART 1 : "INVINCIBLE"* Please read author's comments. thank ya thank ya. and thanks for all your support!* part 2 : "Unbreakable" dropping in 1-2 days!*