"Aaaaarrrriiielle!!!" Fallon screams, loud enough to shatter glass.

Arielle hears the shrill sound just before her back connects with the ground. Her breath is instantly knocked out of her.

Her ears are ringing. Her vision is blurry. But she attempts to rise. She needs to. She's dead if he catches her.

The moment her knees can hold her up, she barrels forward. In the frigidness of the weather, perspiration forms on her forehead. Trees fly past her sight, looking strange to her. All she has to do is run.

"Run, Arielle. Run." It's Fallon's voice. She knows. So she runs. Faster.

She sees the flash before the wind. Silver.....

Strong limbs smash into her, and she is sent ten feet upwards before she slams into the hard bark of an unyielding Pine.

Her misty eyes focus on him. His eyes are glowing and his fur is glistening with sweat.

"Please," Arielle whispers.

He bounds towards her slowly. Eager. His canines stretch and she sees her death.

Suddenly, she remembers everything. Her parents. The life she had to hide. Michael. Fallon..... Him. The beastly Mooner who's about to kill her. And then, her wolf.

She opens her mouth, and shrill terror rends the night.

Fallon runs with all her might towards the sound. All she can think is Arielle. Her loving and beautiful Arielle. She runs harder and her lungs burn. The underlying copse tear at her jeans. She doesn't stop. The rushing wind threatens to burst her eardrums. Her feet pound harder.

When she reaches them she stops abruptly. The sight before her sends her to her knees.

Arielle is screaming. Waves of air wash over the forest. Brown leaves spiral in circles up into the night. Dust rises and the wind turns turbulent. The Silver wolf stands still, shocked at the sight. Arielle's eyes blaze green until they're little flames glowing in their socket.

Rockets of sound waves splash over the forest continuously and tremors rend the ground. Soon, the barks of trees are peeling away and the leaves are disintegrating. Into absolute nothing.

Arielle's lips fall closed and the waves wither, the wind whispering down to a calm. The dust settles and she falls silently to the ground.

Fallon stares shocked. She can't believe her eyes.

Arielle Hiarton was a Banshee.

The Silver wolf trots to Arielle. It assumes a kneeling position and pushes it's head under her belly. It twists it's neck and she rolls over white fur to its back. Slowly, it rises and begins a slow walk to the Cabin, predator instincts long forgotten.

Fallon stands and follows the wolf as it carries the faint form of Arielle on its back.

The moon shines down on the three solemn entities, casting it's silver light on them as they trudge across the cool, forest soil.

It is the first.