~. ~. ~. 

Arielle and Fallon trudge by his side as they walk through the snow.

A grayish cloud blocks out the light of the sun. But every now and then, the sun overpowers it, peering out with brilliant rays. The nimbus immediately slides over again, and the two are locked in constant battle.

Aaron strides ahead and Arielle jogs to him.

The two women keep up pace with his long strides before Arielle suddenly blurts out,

"The woman in the painting is your mother?"

Aaron walks on.

"Aaron?" Arielle nudges.

"Yes." He replies and Arielle stops abruptly.

"Well, why didn't you tell me that before you fucked my brains out?"

Aaron stops too and a muscle ticks in his jaw.

"Ask what you really want?" he says.

Arielle stares at him and a long silence stretches.

Fallon shuffles her feet in the snow and Arielle crosses her arms over her chest.

After a while of keeping a straight face, she lowers her head, blushing furiously.

"Am I your sister?" she asks.

The silence stretches until they can all hear the wind whispering across the trees.

Arielle starts,

"You know what, don't answer that. I really don't want to know because I don't know if I can handle it. I mean you fuck like a god... and fuck me, do I want more...." Arielle stops and catches her breath, noticing she had been rambling.

Aaron walks to her and cups her cheek. He peers deep into her eyes, and his voice is deep and honeyed when he replies,

"You may be my sister, I don't know. Frankly, it doesn't matter because it won't stop me from taking you in every possible way."

Arielle swallows at his words. Fallon stares at the both of them open-mouthed.

Aaron drops his hands, turns and walks away.

Arielle turns to Fallon because all of her insides are mush. Fallon shrugs and gives her an awkward smile.

Silently, they follow him as he clears a path forward. He vanishes for a second and then his head appears lower.

Fallon and Arielle clear through the trees and come face to face with the still, mirror-surface of a frozen Lake.

Both women slowly walk to Aaron as he begins stripping, his body totally unaffected by the numb cold.

His trousers slide to the earth and he stands naked and tall, skin as smooth and toned as a tiger's.

For some unknown reason, Arielle's eyes can't seem to leave his ass. Her hand itches by her side and she immediately clenches her palm.

Fallon and Arielle are utterly stunned when he walks to them and stretches his hand to Arielle.

"Trust me," he says to her. She takes his hand and her palm slides smoothly into his.

Slowly, he walks to the lake.

Arielle stands upon the glassy look of frozen water.

Her nerves are shot, her heart is racing, her skin is tingling—and her libido is charged. She turns to her side and spots Aaron.

His features are calm and his eyes are focused on the ice beneath their feet.

Arielle is still fully clothed, and Fallon watches them from the safety of shore. She gives Arielle a thumbs-up and she smiles back.

Aaron turns to her and slowly peels off her cardy, leaving her in a gray plaid shirt. He nods to her then releases her.

He walks calmly a few feet from her and lifts a foot. A bone-jarring crack sounds and the ice beneath his feet splits. It quickly sinks under, giving rise to a watery hollow. Aaron stretches his hand out to her and she walks slowly to him.

His warm, golden eyes meet hers' and she feels it.

The trust she gives him. The courage he gives her. The feeling that she can do more—that she is more. She nods and he clasps her hand.

His eyes go dark in seconds, turning into the slate-gray she knows all too well. His hair stretches back into sharp points. Fangs explode in his mouth, and she feels his claws extending. But he doesn't let go.

Together, they lift up the ice as Fallon watches. Never letting go of each other, they plunge headfirst—into the ice-cold water.