STARRY SNOWS WASH OVER THE ENTIRE MOUNTAIN PLANE, bathing Winterville and the acres of wild forest beyond. It whispers and showers, painting the Vermont countryside an elegant gray. It is this picturesque landscape that peers back at Michael's roving eyes as he rides for the Mountains in a black ATV.

At the same time, deep in the bowels of the Blackbone Woods, flashes of colorful fur whish across the buoyant canopies, and the moist earth is constantly pounded by heavy wolf paws connecting with dirt.

A slender wolf clears the trees in a blur, sniffs the wintry air and abruptly stops. Its black fur rises to hairy points and it waits silently, it's snake eyes staring into the gloomy enclave. Some moments later, a heavier wolf joins its stance, it's fur the color of dried hay.

Soon, the clearing is filled with about a dozen wolves. Their furs are wet with pellets of the drizzle, and they stand taller and bigger than the normal lupines.

Their razor canines are bared as they incline their heads at the slightest sound, searching for an unfortunate prey.

A loud howl sounds from beyond, and all the wolves immediately call back in varying tones. A minute later, the Silver one appears from the woods. The filtering snow melds perfectly to its white fur, giving it a dewy shine. It trots across to it's kind and as it nears them, its enormous size and larger teeth becomes more evident.

The black wolf with the snake eyes walks towards the Silver Alpha and stands by its side. A deep growl rattles the air and the black wolf immediately slinks back to the pack.

Slowly, they all recline on their hind feet and bend. All of them, towards the ground. Their nuzzles touch the earth in a collective bow to the Silver wolf.

Aaron calmly walks through their middle. He didn't like the way his pack revered him like some god, but his wolf did, and he had to let it have some fun.

He reaches the last lycanthrope at the end, a bronze She-wolf he knows all too well. Her drugging scent fills his nostrils and his blood heats in zest. His wolf calls to him and he listens. Slowly, they lift up their great head, rising to their full height. He opens his mouth and a terrible howl rends the wintry ambience. It echoes loud and fierce, down the mountain to the surrounding areas.

On the far western side of Winterville, close to the Woods, a man runs to his window and secures it. To the man, the wolves are the Winter. Cold and unforgiving. The Pack echo their Alpha's voice, and a second later, they all split up in several directions. The sound of bones crunching and rearranging fill the air as the werewolves shift out of their Mooner forms. Some continue as wolves into the ashy blur of Snowfall. Others wear back the mortal skin and trudge naked in search of their clothing.

Only two head up to the Cabin. The Alpha, and his petite brown visitor.

A flash of black fur follows the duo from a safe distance. Her green snake eyes are a dead giveaway. The two continue into the Cabin, and Phantom stops. She watches with clenched teeth, a mask of green spreading over her furry features.

~. ~. ~. 

Phantom walks into Anne's Diner at the same time Michael's ATV halts in front. Michael is glad to have located Winterville, and he congratulates himself inwardly. He peers up at the cute flowery sign of the Diner and walks in.

The waitress arrives and he looks up.

He almost doubles over at her striking slitted eyes. He immediately chalks it down to contacts, but can't shake the feeling that her eyes might actually be real. He turns to the side and a 'mighty big' Cowboy glares fixedly at him. He immediately turns back to the waitress.

"How can I help you?" Phantom says with a lilt as she accesses the blue-eyed stranger.

Michael pulls out his phone and double-taps the screen.

Arielle's image immediately fills it.

Michael lifts it up and holds it to the weird-looking waitress. Phantom peers into the emerald eyes she envies so much and a sinister smile splits her lips. Michael takes this as a warm welcome to continue and he says,

"Have you seen this woman?"

Phantom's lips stretch wider.