THE CABIN'S LIBRARY is straight out of Beauty and the Beast.

It's larger than normal, and Arielle wonders if a lunar spell actually enlarged to Cabin to greater proportions than it seemed from the outside. Knowing Aaron's intelligent mind, she didn't put a thing past him.

The floors are dark from the ash hue of the scraped wood. Rows of shelves line the floors, and all kinds of appealing books call from their places, dusted and well-worn. The man did read his books—unlike her clients in the city, who built in massive libraries in their homes just for the fun of it, and the occasional 'tours' given during her visits.

The smell of crisp paper hangs in the air, but she smells him more. She follows his lightning-and-rain scent to the posterior end of the library.

A single chestnut lounge balances on the smooth floors. A small reading table lies adjacent to it.