Chapter 15

Zion Pov:

As the adventures left I felt our control over the dungeon return. Ever since they had entered we hadn't been able to edit the first floor or actively regen the mobs in our dungeon. After about an hour they seemed to reform on their own.


To Cores {Zion} and {Neil} for achieving 'First Delve' as a reward the option host form is unlocked.'

[Host Form

Materialize a form inside or outside the dungeon to communicate with sentiants and interact with the world. While outside the dungeon the host form will drain mana to keep itself materialized]

Reading this I knew what Neil would do.

3rd Pov:

The host forms materialized, the first to manafest was Zion. He has pale skin with long black hair which has gained tips of blue. He's wearing a faded red hoodie with soft gear designs along with that he was wearing long dark blue sweatpants with boots trimmed with faux-fur, along with that he was giving off a faint red glow.

The next to materialize was Neil giving off a green glow. His hair was longer than Zion with pale green tips. He's wearing a dark blue hoodie with plant designs incorporated in. He is wearing yellow gardening gloves, faded red shorts, and tall steel toed boots that went up to his mid-thigh.

~Many hours later~

It is the dead of night and if anyone was looking at the dungeon entrance they would see two young adults leaving, one nearly dragging the other by the hand.