Ma Yunyun Loses Her Wallet

The time for free activities was about to end. Mo Yancheng and Gu Ran got up and headed to the entrance to gather with everyone.

On the way, they passed by a handmade jewelry stall. Gu Ran's first glance was attracted by a beaded bracelet in the window. She could not help but stop and admire it for a while.

"You like it?" Sensing that the woman beside him wasn't moving, Mo Yancheng turned around to look for her.

Gu Ran glanced at the price tag. Three hundred dollars.

She immediately shook her head. "No."

Although the production crew had said that they could use their money to shop after the variety show had ended that day, with her current situation, she could not afford an expensive item.

After tearing her eyes away reluctantly, Gu Ran steeled her heart and turned to leave.

Mo Yancheng glanced at her, but did not say anything as he followed her.

At the entrance of the scenic area.