We Will Get Married

The scent of flowers filled the back garden in the afternoon.

The young couple went upstairs after lunch. Gu Ran could finally take a break from their enthusiasm.

She stretched her entire body. As she turned, she spotted a tall man in a white shirt standing behind her.

He stood there quietly with one hand in his pocket, while his other hand held his phone. His fingers tapped on the screen as if he was replying to something.

It was almost winter in the States, and the freezing wind was howling. It wasn't that cold inside a heated house, but outside, he seemed to be wearing too little.

A cold wind blew, and dark clouds quietly covered the bright sun. The air in the garden instantly dropped by a few degrees, and Gu Ran could not help but shrink her neck.

"Aren't you cold?"

Mo Yancheng did not even spare her a glance as he walked past her.

The moment he brushed past her, she grabbed his wrist.