Candy II

I rolled over to sit up on the edge of the bed and tapped the video button of the call. Sachiko accepted a second later and Jun's face appeared on the screen. We looked at each other for a moment without saying a word.

"What would your fiancé do if she found out you were video calling a guy?" I joked.

"Don't even make me think about it."

I chuckled. "Alright. Should I take a look at your wardrobe first?"

"Please do."

Since I had already been here, it took me no time to approach the closet on the other side of the cramped apartment, just like mine. Her wardrobe didn't surprise me either, though it did the first time I saw it. The overall style was rather classy and modest, not to say a little old-school.

I swapped the video to the back camera to show Sachiko her wardrobe. At the same time, I pushed the hanging clothes with my free hand to get a better view of each of them.

"What should I wear?" I wondered.

"I don't see wearing a dress necessary to take a purse with you, but you already had a plan, didn't you?"

"Not really, I just thought you'd wear a dress to a date."

Sachiko took a moment to reply.

"I don't know what to get from that. Just stick to a dress; there isn't much time and it'll be easier to choose because I only own two."

"Good point."

Both dresses hung between the clothes I was already scrambling through, so they weren't hard to find. I grabbed them by the hanger and lay both next to each other on the bed.

They were similar in height. The left one had many folds and embellishments all over it, as well as room for huge cleavage. The right one was smooth and the opening in the chest was much smaller, yet the lack of details was complimented by a cute band of lace wrapped around the waist and ruffles on the shoulders.

I had barely looked at them when Sachiko chose for me.

"Right one."

"That was fast. Why so sure?"

"The other one shows too much for my liking, and it's also…. Nothing."

"Alright. I'll do the hair first, then the makeup. Are you wearing something beneath this blouse?"

"A bra, but that doesn't matter. You should take a shower first."

"Huh? Are you sure?"

"We're both women, there shouldn't be a problem. The problem is going to come when I have to shower with this… thing," she said as she looked down.

"Yeah, good luck with that. I'll shower quickly, then. I'll call you when I get out."

"I'll look for a decent hairstyle to execute the plan in the meantime."

"Good idea."

We both stared at each other. I didn't know who was supposed to end the call, so I did it first.

With no time to lose, I left the phone on the bed and stepped into the bathroom. I made sure there was a towel, soap, shampoo, and any other product Sachiko used before taking off all of my clothes. I didn't want to make a big deal about the situation, yet I couldn't help but be impressed by Sachiko's slender figure.

So this is what eating healthy looks like. And she has some muscle too. I didn't know she worked out.

I pinched the little fat in her abdomen. There was no one else to blame but myself for not having a figure like this, and that made it even more painful. I shook my head, turned on the shower, and stepped under its running water, washing the envy away.

My mind kept trying to wander off with useless thoughts that only made me more anxious about the week to come, but I focused back on the date every time I caught myself doing so.

Thirteen minutes had passed by the time I sat down at Sachiko's small makeup table, only with a towel wrapped around my body. Knowing the hair dryer was going to make a lot of noise, I didn't call Sachiko just yet.

Her dark hair was quite shorter than mine, making the process take less time than I had expected. I wasted no more time and called her. She answered instantly, already sharing her camera.

As she had said before hanging up, she sent pictures of five different hairstyles. All of them looked amazing and not that difficult to pull off. They also fulfilled the requirement of covering at least one ear. I could imagine how good they were going to look on Sachiko. She definitely knew what was best for her.

Seeing the little time we had, we ended up choosing the most simple one. I made an improvised support for the phone on the table with a couple of boxes so that Sachiko could see what I was doing.

I pulled most of the hair to one side and up a little. The ends were also brushed up around the head, neck, and back, creating a classy, wave-like style once I sprayed on the hair fixer.

Sachiko's guidance through the whole process was essential. I wasn't used to doing fancy hairstyles or using hair fixers. The most I would do was a ponytail or some simple braids.

The result wasn't as good-looking as in the picture, but both Sachiko and I were satisfied. More importantly, we only had half an hour to do the makeup and put the dress on.

Again, Sachiko gave me some tips about makeup, mostly related to her skin and face shape. She didn't use much makeup either, so I applied the base, eyeliner, purple eyeshadow, blush, and pink lipstick to make the lips glossy.

Before standing up, I asked her.

"Do you have perfume? I couldn't find any the first time we swapped bodies."

"I had just run out of it when that happened. I only use them for special occasions, so I bought more for the date. It should be on this table."

I took a look around it, specifically looking for the perfume. It didn't take long to find the most flashy yet smallest glass bottle. I got rid of the plastic covering the nozzle and sprayed the perfume on myself.

"Why do you only use them for special occasions?" I wondered.

"Because strong smells give me splitting headaches."

She had just replied when the smell of the perfume hit my nose. A sharp pain surged in the bridge of my nose, which I instantly pinched and started massaging.

"How is that even possible?" I asked.

"I don't know, it's annoying."

"I can see that."

"Nine minutes left, by the way."

"Shit. I guess you haven't moved your underwear from the drawer."

"I haven't."

I stood up, approached the drawers of the closet, and opened the one where I had found the bra pads the first time we swapped bodies.

I still could hear Sachiko on the phone with the speakers on.

"I suggest…. Nothing. Choose what you prefer."

"You were going to say I should wear something fancy, weren't you?"


I sighed. "Sachiko, are you sure about this?"

"There's no other way."

"Yes, there is. I know it sounds scary, but we should just tell her. We could bring her to an appointment with us to show her this is real, and that we didn't ask for any of it."

"Even that wouldn't work. Believe me, I know her. Please don't make this harder for me."

"So, you're just gonna hide it from her for the rest of your life?"

"That's the plan. I wouldn't be lying to her, and we've done nothing wrong. The problem is going to come if the scientists can't find a solution to this without us having sex. I would have to tell her before doing something like that."

I stood in silence for a moment.

She's willing to potentially let another woman have sex with her fiancé to protect her from the fact that we can swap bodies. Or is she protecting herself?

"Alright," I said. "If that's what you want, I'll do what I can to help you."

"Thank you."

There weren't many pairs of fancy underwear, and they were all black or a dark color, so I grabbed whichever. I unwrapped the towel and let it fall to the floor, then I put the underwear on.

I approached the bed, grabbed the dress on the right, and slid into it as carefully as possible not to stain it with makeup or ruin my hair.

I stood in front of the makeup table to see myself in the mirror and to show Sachiko as well. I turned to the right on the spot and then to the left to see both profiles.

"It's weird to think I look great from another body," said Sachiko.

"It is."

Only the last details remained. She helped me choose a necklace and earrings, as well as the shoes. Of course, they had to be heels. She wanted me to wear the highest pair she owned, but I refused out of concern for my ankles. Lastly, I grabbed the smallest purse out of the three she owned.

We used the last couple of minutes to talk about the most essential details about Sachiko's fiancé. Meanwhile, I disabled the microphone's filters on the phone and connected Sachiko's wireless earphones. I kept one in the purse and put the other one on the ear covered with hair, using the mirror to make sure it wasn't visible from any angle.

Finally, knocks came from the door.

"She's here," I said.

"Okay. Don't say anything more or she'll suspect you're talking with someone."

Her voice now came out of the earphone instead of the phone's speakers.

I nodded at the camera before stopping sharing it, then I kept the phone in the purse and zipped it.

Sachiko's fiancé knocked on the door again, this time with a playful rhythm. The room became dark when I flipped the light switch off. I walked the narrow corridor toward the door, turned the knob, and she appeared.

She was taller than me, though not by much. Her tights covered what the short red dress didn't, but the same couldn't be said about her naked shoulders. A fringe hid her forehead, while the rest of her hair reached below the choker around her neck and the back of her shoulders.

My eyes met hers before she finished inspecting my outfit.

"You finally chose a dress," she smirked.

"Yes, I believed it was time."

"Definitely. You look gorgeous."

"Thank you. You look beautiful as well."

Her smirk turned into a grin.

"Let's get going. We wouldn't want to lose such an expensive reservation, would we?"


I shut the door behind me. I joined her in walking toward the street since Sachiko had told me to stay beside her the whole time.

"That was a nice answer," said Sachiko on my earphone as we walked downstairs.

We reached a modern and elegant coupé car in no time. Sachiko's fiancé opened the passenger door for me. I sat on the seat first, then turned to fit my legs inside. She gently closed the door before walking around the car and climbing in. We fastened our seatbelts, and the quiet engine started with the press of a button. The light switched off and she accelerated into the road.

Let's get this over with.