Runs in the Family

"Yes, he's my brother," I answered.

He was taller than the average person, including Jun and me. His sense of fashion was also quite sophisticated for his age, wearing a brown coat with a black turtleneck underneath and black pants. His long and wavy hair swooped from the middle to the sides, covering little of his forehead.

"He looks nothing like you," said Kyōko.

I replied, "He does. He just cares more about his looks than me."

Kyōko kept staring at him from the driver's seat.

"I'll go help," I said. "You can stay if you want."

"No, I'll help too."

We got out of the car and walked to the sidewalk of the station. Jun and Tetsuya stopped hugging when we approached them.

"How was the trip, little devil?" asked Jun.

Tetsuya answered, "As good as a trip can be while dragging two suitcases and carrying a shoulder bag and a backpack. And I'm not little anymore."

"I know, but I'm not gonna call you big devil."