Gift of Life

"Why don't you open our gifts in the meantime?" Jun suggested after Kyōko ordered the food.

She answered, "Let's do that."

She bent forward on the sofa and inspected the four gift wrap bags on the coffee table. She pointed at the purple one with diamond patterns.

"Whose is this?"

"Mine," answered Sachiko.

Grinning, Kyōko reached for the bag. "Woah, it's heavy."

She pulled the two sides to unstick them from each other and peeked inside. She stuck her hand inside and pulled out a piece of one of the outfits Sachiko bought for her. Kyōko unfolded it and it was a white blouse with see-through sleeves. She looked up and down at it before leaving it on the sofa and grabbing the other piece: a pair of white pants with a round, golden buckle.

"This is so fancy," she said.

"That's what I thought," Sachiko replied, "so I included another, more casual outfit."