Great Games III

Yet again, I was shaken awake while being called, "Rie."

It was Kyōko this time. "We arrived."

She stood in front of her seat while dozens of people walked back and forth behind her. She grinned at me until I realized my head was resting on Sachiko's as she rested on my shoulder. I straightened my neck, but Sachiko would've fallen sideways if I moved my body.

"Why didn't you wake her up first?" I asked Kyōko.

"I tried but she won't wake up. I didn't want to do it aggressively either."

I understood what she meant. Unfortunately, there was no other way. I shook Sachiko with my free arm and called her multiple times. I increased the intensity every time it didn't work until the third time was the charm.

She snapped her head away from my shoulder. She glanced at the people walking in the aisle before looking at me. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she sat straight on her seat and turned around.

"Did we land?" she asked Kyōko.