
Dyon nodded as he listened, but he was still in awe of the city around him. The architecture of the Elves was truly something astounding. Everything seemed to be made of jade of marble, including even the simplest of shops. The flood of colors was endless, as people with reds and blues and pinks and greens in their hair bustled around, running from place to place.

The roads seemed to have no real logic to them. They could curve and end in massive fountains, or abruptly end in massive homes and businesses. Sometimes buildings would take odd shapes. Dyon saw cone shaped buildings, and bridge shaped buildings, he even saw a library that looked like a book lying on its side!

However, regardless of what it was, it would always have the characteristic shining greens of jade or the swirls of white and precious stones of marble. It gave the city a one with nature feeling coupled with a level of design and ingenuity Dyon had never seen before.