Earthen Passage

Dyon watched with a big smile on his face as Ava cried in Arios' arms. She had gone through so much to save him, even being humiliated by Baal, and now her big brother was finally back.

Arios smiled, holding onto his sister tightly while looking up at his elder brother. "Bro, I've missed you."

Arios' elder brother clasped his shoulder. "Dad nearly started a war because of you, you know. He tells everyone it was because of Ava, but we all know how much he loves you. And what's up with this hair? Are women into this kind of thing?"

Ava sniffled. "You big idiot. Why did you disappear?"

Dyon decided then it was probably best he take his leave. "Take your time Arios, this battle won't be worth your effort. Let me handle it."

With that, Dyon left with to look around the Elvin campsite.


"What's your plan?" Ri asked.