You Idiot

Soon, the elves sat across from the Niveus sect members in an uncomfortable silence. Oddly enough, some miscellaneous sects were also in attendance, after all, it wasn't just the god clans who participated in the campaigns.

But, maybe not so fortunately, those miscellaneous sect members were part of the big sects Dyon despised so much. Although Hashim and Lehabim didn't dare look Dyon in the eyes anymore, much to Orbis' amusement, their presence was still a stain on an already annoying situation.

Dyon had tried to see if Eli's older sister, Venus, was here. But, it seemed like she decided to forego the experience. Also, Dyon hadn't even bothered to search for Eli because he was very clear on the fact that he was much too weak to join the campaigns just yet. He was probably focused on his gardening right about now – the thought of which brought a smile to Dyon's face, much to Evelyn's irritation.