
Alidor walked up to the tower, stopping at a 3-meter safe distance. Turning back, he spoke to basilisks. "It will only get more dangerous from here."

Although Alidor didn't say much, what he was really thinking was that he had no idea. He didn't know whether this was another game, whether it was a trial, or even if he really was meant to come here. Was this a suicide mission? Was he really meant to conform and follow the path everyone else did?

Alidor's disguise disappeared along with everyone else's. He had only used them as an extra measure, because as he said, he hadn't been preparing for such a weak enemy.

Maybe if anyone heard how Alidor thought of the first son, they'd be shocked. After all, Alidor was still in the meridian formation stage, and yet, he had easily dealt with the best genius a king god clan had to offer at that stage.