Nice Way

"I know what you're thinking… Well, at least I think I do. But, you've told me too many great memories you have of your mother for me to believe that she left you just because. I'm looking forward to meeting the beautiful Japanese woman that birthed my little feu glace." Dyon smiled, pushing himself up from the bed and kneeling beside Ri.

Dyon shook his head as his eyes scanned Ri's body. He felt like he had never just paused to appreciate it because whenever Ri was in the nude, she was usually pouncing on him – something he couldn't complain about, if he was being honest.

Moonlight trickled in on Ri's soft, silk-like skin as she blushed under Dyon's gaze. It wasn't as though he had never seen her in the state, but this was the first time he was staring so intently. It made her heart skip a few beats.

Dyon large hands started running over Ri's perfect curves absentmindedly, as though he was trying to ingrain her figure into his memory.