Hard Pressed

Primrose could only sigh. She, Mithrandir, Celine and Opal remained near Ri, but they were hard-pressed to comfort her. It seemed like Ri was very much prepared to throttle whatever enemy she saw first.

They were angry too. Dyon was the savior of their Kingdom and their Prince Consort. This was no less than a slap to the face of the elves as well.

That, however, didn't stop other elves from using this as an I told you so, moment.

Clarice's red hair bobbed, her face an odd mix of sneering anger.

"Clearly our so-called princess needs to do a better job of choosing her men. Imagine selling yourself off to a little boy who'll do nothing more than stain our race."

"It must be that mixed blood of hers. At first I thought she was half human, which is bad enough. But, come to find out she's half beast? No wonder." Fiora chimed in.