Don't Mind

Madeleine and Ri's actions showed little hesitation. They, along with Dyon, had long since come up with the best solution to this problem. Dyon didn't have to say a word, he knew how intelligent his wives were and that they too would understand.

That said, there was another reason he had said nothing, and that was because of Madeleine.

Madeleine's personality wasn't one conducive to a killing spirit. In fact, she very much avoided such things. This was why much of Dyon's anger had to do with Madeleine being forced to do something she didn't like. This was Madeleine's very first kill!

During her campaigns, it was often her job to protect her comrades and weaken the enemy, but any of the killing was done by her supporting cast. It was why she heavily emphasized her celestial will to the point where it became an intent long before her music will. But now, there was no choice.