
"Where do you think you're going! How is this proof at all!" The little boy, Ur Aumen seemed furious with Dyon's disregard of his family. "For all we know, you manipulated the images to show what you wanted!"

Dyon looked back as though he was looking at a complete idiot. "You're a kid, so I won't be too difficult on you. That said, when I was your age, I would never think to say something so stupid.

"I very clearly explained that arrays record the laws of the universe. The only way I could have faked those images is if I was not only a saint capable of manipulating saint energy, I would also have to have the ability to use Horus family techniques and Geb family techniques. That's on top of being a capable enough refiner to recreate the tools they used, all while also being able to use the techniques of my wives as well.